Until July 2017, documenting the seasons of coastal Dorset. I'm a complete amateur so don't trust I'm always right. If ever you see I'm wrong - whether with identifications or in anything else - do say! Meanwhile . . . I've now moved to Halifax in West Yorkshire. Click on the link below to collect the new URL. Don't forget to follow there!

Monday, 28 July 2008


This is a post left over from when Loose and Leafy was a work of fiction. Later, it evolved into what it is now - a blog about the wild plants of the South Dorset Coast.

To make sense (in so far as there is sense) of these early posts, you may like to take a look at Esther in the Garden.

* * *.

I think I had better 'come clean' about why Esther and Lucy aren't saying much at present. But the only way to do this is to explain about 'The Hand' behind Esther and Lucy and Mrs Rustbridger and all the rest of them.
So - if you DON'T want to know - DON'T click this.
If you do - then click HERE .
Either way, best wishes until September. Lucy P.S. 'PICTURES JUST PICTURES' will chug on in its own and basic little way!


Barbee' said...

Dear Friend, it is as I suspected. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you play the hand you were dealt. When my mother-in-law was going through yet another very stressful and sad time, she told me: "When a situation in life gets so bad you think you can't go on, just hold on. When it gets really, really bad, so bad you think you can't stand it any longer, it will take care of itself, things will change."

I still think you are one of the most creative people I know. You will never lose that. I have a hunch life will get easier for you. Enjoy each day starting now. I will, too.

I am glad the artichokes were trod upon, that much less to have to worry about... good riddance.

If I come across a talent scout, I will send him/her your direction with high recommendations.

Philip Bewley said...

Thank you for sharing this.
I have to admit, this touched me so deeply I had to take a moment and compose myself.
Unlike Barbee I never suspected. I am so sorry.I had no idea and I feel wretched that I did not pick up the clues, which I can see now.I confused the quirky tone with light banter and responded in kind. I sincerely hope you know that.

You mentioned support, and I am right here across the world thinking of you surrounded by good things. I want your dream to come true.
It makes sense to me that in Esther in The Garden the composition included syllabic counting as it was the most original and inspired prose I had come across. The combinatinon with such delicious drawings took this to a place I had never seen before. It was a monumental effort, with a post a day. I shouted from the rooftops about it. Everyone at work was hooked. Loose and leafy proved to be another incredible diplay of original talent and creativity. The format was like nothing seen before, and the photography in a style all its own. You have made me look at the world differently.
You are a pleasure to know, and I have to thank you for all the delight you have given me. Life is certainly better when it is loose and leafy!
Esther in the Garden would make a great serial in a newpaper and an illustrated book. There is enough material already completed. I believe in your work. as someone else said of you, life is much more interesting when you are around.
I will do whatever I can to see that your dream happens.

Your Friend,

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Barbee and Philip

Thank you for your long and encouraging responses - which I truly appreciate very greatly.

Life isn't dire - just that the ordinary seasons of people's lives sometimes need more practical input than at others.

Philip - I look forward to and very much enjoy your comments - always! Light banter and quirqy tone - yes to both!

And as to dreams coming true - if they don't, it won't be for want of trying!

And . . . if they don't . . . I'm still having what is generally a very happy and creative time in the attempt.

Barbee - isn't it weird how some things simply seem, unaccountably, to draw disaster to themselves? I saw the demise of the last artichoke. A family member was so keen to demonstrate a board game move to a visiting friend that he leapt over a group of plants instead of going round them and landed . . . um . . . on the artichoke.

Ah well!

I've been telling myself that it's getting late in the season now so it wouldn't have done well anyway!

Next year, I'll have so many healthy plants I'll be refering to 'My Stand of Artichokes'! You wait!

Best wishes to you both (and to other readers)


Zoë said...

I read it;I knew; I seem to recall at the very beginning with Esther you gave us clues, you asked should you be you, or should you hide it? I clearly recall telling you, yes, just be you, you is very good indeed! Nothing changed reading this either, you are still you, which is funny, engaging and I enjoy reading it. More please!

Thinking of you,


Philip Bewley said...

Hi Lucy,
When I left a comment on Pictures I did not realize it would fall into the body of the text. Eeek!
Sorry about that.I thought it would be in a different commentary field like this. I will not do that again, for sure!
Now I know!
I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed it.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Philip . . .

The comments on PICTURES JUST PICTURES operate with exactly the same system as this (Loose and Leafy) and Esther in the Garden.

The comments don't get incorporated into the text - but, since there is no text, maybe it just looks like it when the comments are visible.

If you click onto Blogger Blogs from Blotanical, they open with the comments visible.

The same thing happens when you go via an email notification of comments already left on the blog.

But if you go to the blog direct, you have to click on the 'Comments' button to see what's there or to add your own.

I think the white letters on black background do make the text of the comments jump out - but I quite like that! I mean, I've said everything I want to say in the picture - so what other people say about them is especially interesting.

(Actually, that's not true. I haven't said everything I want to say by putting the picture there . . . but I'm restraining myself!)

Please do continue to leave comments on PICTURES JUST PICTURES. How else will I know what you think?


Anonymous said...

This is a message for The Hand, please could Lucy or Esther pass it over the fence?


Dear The Hand,

I wish I was a publisher or something, because I think Esther should definitely write an autobiography or similar, to be accompanied by some of her beautiful illustrations.

I will have a think about this, there must be somebody out there who is and I'm think the wider world would love to read about her adventures.

In the meanwhile, we will all enjoy the pictures - just pictures! Hope you are ok, hang in there, and looking forward to reading more when you can.

Lots of love,

Rach x

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Dear Rach

Thank you for your message.

I really appreciate it. (And any ideas you may come up with!)


As I said to Philip, they are turning out to be an exercise in restraint - no words . . . and only one a day . . . I keep drifting back in the direction of the computer . . . then forcing myself away.

I'm hoping September really will bring more available time . . . !

I'm suffering withdrawal anguish!

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm not a "everything happens for a reason" kind of guy. Can't think of reasons for things like this to happen to people. But I do know that you are so breathtakingly creative that I hope you are always able to express it despite everything that happens around/to you.

Tammy said...

I think given the circumstances you have been handed to deal with makes your writing more precious than it was before your confession. I am a bit behind reading (or writing) myself lately but not due to my health. You are in my thoughts and prayers Loose.

You really should attempt to syndicate Esther. The whole concept is brilliant and well written. I am a freelance writer and I know how hard it is to make money and get published. It takes countless hours of hunting for the right places for a penniless person to be able to land a paying gig.

Perhaps if one or a group of supporters were to present the first 3 to 5 Esther in the Garden posts to the right UK newspapers or even US newspapers you could be a paid writer. You need an agent to relieve you of the task. Then you could concentrate your strong days to continuing Esther once life settles down again for you.

I highly doubt you will loose a one of us while you deal with the issues on your plate at present. God by with you Lucy...

Anonymous said...

Dear Girl, I went there, and I'm glad to know. My Diva faints and has secondary stuff which goes along with it, especially when she is too tired and other stuff. My mom was in a car accident 20 years ago, and it has changed all of our lives.

You are truly an original voice in all your manifestations. I'm grateful to be your cyber friend.

All of this is to write that I understand. Come back when you can. I love reading all your blogs. If you find a way to make $$ at this let me know.~~Dee

Frances, said...

Dear Lucy, Esther and Mrs. Rustbridger, your story is poignant and you tell it in a straightforward manner. As before, you have my total support, including eye poking. I agree with the others that the story of Esther and her martian are worthy of syndication. I wish you well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy, I tagged you! :) Please chack out my blog for details.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

There is something wrong with my email address - looseandleafy@googlemail.com - and I can't access it.

I have just changed the blog settings so any comments left here will (I hope) be forwarded to another email address. (This will work as a kind of a test, as well as letting you know.)

Until the problem gets sorted, if you wish to contact me by email (or to make sure I receive your comments) please email me at


Apologies and thanks


Lucy Corrander said...

Good. Yes. The comments from 'Loose and Leafy' are coming through to me ok, even though the looseandleafy email address has gone wrong.


Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Ah, all's well and the looseandleafy@googlemail.com address is up and working again.

And I'll not forget I haven't replied to everyone . . . (yet).


Anonymous said...

Oops, Sorry Esther/ Lucy, when I tagged you the other day I obviously hadn't read for a while! Now I feel really silly and insensitive!

All I can say dear Esther/ Lucy is that you are quite brilliant in so many ways! I completely agree with everyone else that you have a rare and true talent for writing and art. Quite amazing.

I appreciate the time you have taken to read and comment on my blog when you have so much going on.

Thinking about you and let me know if you need anything OK! Take care, and take time fo yourself and your family and hope to "read" you again very soon.

Love Mo. xxx

Weeping Sore said...


I knew you had a quirky style and used more than one persona. I thought the voices, and the references to Mars was your way of saying that you didn't sync with the world sometimes. But I had no idea until I read what The Hand wrote how it all came about.

You don't ask for pity or sympathy. You simply explain and keep going. Your strength to make such wonderful pictures, and to take such inspired photos, and to blog such interesting experiences sets you apart from typical garden bloggers.

It seems to me that what you lack in physical health, you make up for in the life of your mind, your imagination, your inner eye, and your way of seeing beauty in the simple things around you.

I hope you can continue to mend, to grow, and to blog. Apart from your wish to become a paid professional writer, you should also pursue publication of your drawings.

your friend, Weeping

Weeping Sore said...

I just stumbled on a magazine called Artful Blogging: http://artfulblogging.com/
I don't know anything about it yet, but I wanted to tell you right away. It might be a way for you to expand your audience.
Stay well,

Barbee' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbee' said...

Or, is there a way she could work as a book illustrator? I have no idea how to go about that, contacts, etc. Someone somewhere holds the key to that lock. I just have no idea how to find that person.

Sorry about the previous deleted comment, Lucy, it snuck in there with the wrong persona. Had to sign that one out and this one in. It is rather confusing to have more than one of me, (I'm sure you will understand about that.)and half the time I don't know what day it is! I make a mess most places I go.

Barbee' said...

Lucy, I went to that Artful Blogging site, dug around for awhile and came up with this. Submissions
A long list of categories, submission information, guidelines, and deadlines. It might be fun to read through them. I did not read them. It is a long list.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I'm afraid I don't have any wise advice. I wanted to say though that I will miss your posts, and I wish we weren't a world apart so I could lend you a hand. Your writing has certainly brightened my life. If anyone should be able to make money writing, it should be you:)

Catherine said...

Lucy, I was just about to send you a message about the beautiful pictures you've posted on Pictures Just Pictures, then decided to take a look at Loose and Leafy first. I've just followed the trail and now don't know what to say except that the pictures are even more beautiful to me now I know what lies behind them.

You have a very unique talent. When I first read your blog I made the comment that your writing was off the wall. I think you were a little offended, but I meant it as a compliment. So much writing is banal and predictable. Yours never is. It is fresh and compelling. If I can think of any way at all to help you, I will. God bless. Catherine

AMIH said...

Catherine . . . I've been saving up replies . . . especially because I've also been having some interesting conversations by email with some of those who have left comments here too.

But I want to rush a note (before washing the kitchen floor!) to say I was in no way offended . . . not in the least, when you said my writing is 'off the wall'. It's not exactly that I intend it to be so . . . just that it comes out that way, all of its own accord . . . but I do intend it to be entertaining . . . and 'off the wall' tends to be how people descibe it . . . and it seems to work.

I would guess that, in some way, I must be 'off the wall' too because what I put on the blogs definitely expresses something quite intrinsic to me . . . and my photos are of how I see the world . . .

Now for the floor . . .


garden girl said...

Hello Esther, Lucy, Mrs. Rustbridger, and the Hand,
Just popping in to say how much I enjoy Pictures Just Pictures, and another fascinating look at the world through your eyes.

I miss your writing and artwork, and look forward to your return.

In the meantime, I wave to Esther's mother-in-law on Mars every now then, and am sending warm and caring thoughts across the pond along with echoes of what others here have already said more eloquently than I could.

I hope you and your family are well, and the children are enjoying their holidays (and clean socks!)

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Everyone

Another thank you for all your kind messages and suggestions.

I won't say more at present . . . because I'm slipping back 'into character' - and LOOSE AND LEAFY is up and running again.

Hopefully, Esther will follow suit soon.

But before 'The Hand' slips away behind the scenes again, I'd just like to emphasise how very much I have appreciated your help and encouragement over the summer - and hope you have all weathered the storms (hurricanes) and had sunny days (as well as rainy ones) and cool days (as well as hot ones) and are geering up happily for the autumn (spring) depending where in the world you are.

Best wishes

'The Hand' (and Lucy)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Lucy! I knew I liked your blog from the beginning..and I have not read much of Esther..but rest assured I will. You are a gifted person. I will share with you... that when Life sends you Lemons..ya gotta make some LEMONADE .. and girl you have a heck of a mix going on here! I admire your tenacity and quirkiness..girl you rock on:)

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Far Side of Fifty - I think I shall frame your comment.

Thank you!
