I've inherited two tags from Esther (one from Compostings and one from The Garden Faerie). And Rach at the Big Sofa has left one for me too.
They are each for six random facts - which makes eighteen and Esther has already posted six on her blog from one she got ages ago.
I've been taking a look around - there's a log jam. Thinking of six interesting facts is hard enough. (Eighteen.) Finding six (eighteen) people to pass the tag on to is . . . well, it's difficult.
So . . . I'm going to be very brave and start a new one. (I asked Esther about it and she says I can do whatever I like, she's too busy thinking about her missing underwear and evading the police to bother.)
So . . . it will be called 'The Esther Montgomery Prize' (my decision) 'For a Particular Picture' and the 'Prize' (which isn't really a 'prize') is to put Esther's little nosegay of blue flowers in your sidebar (or somewhere).
So . . . instead of finding eighteen interesting (boring if you are me) facts - I will start the ball rolling with eighteen memorable pictures.
(The nice thing about this is that I can delve back to pictures I keep looking at 'in my mind's eye'. They don't have to be current.)
Oh! I went onto another page without realising it so I've got 24. Never mind - a bonus!
Oh! Another 'Oh!' '. I've made a right hash up of this.
Having spent ages choosing the photos for the list - I can't make links to the right places (only to the blog or to a blown up picture). I'll contact the blog owners and ask if I can reproduce their pictures here (with links to their blogs). If they say 'yes', then the images will gradually appear.
Oh what a twit! Well, that's what comes of being new to blogging!

And on the SAME DAY - Grow This - Roots Pushing Up Through the Ground June 4th 2008 !

Victoria's Backyard - Her Sub-Tropical Garden - Blog Header

Gardening Tips and Ideas - The Naked Statue - May 16th 2008



Philip's Garden Blog - Barrows - 18th April 2008

Hi Lucy,
I love your photographs. I have never seen anything quite like them before. For example, I enjoyed double clicking on the vertical image shown here. Not only is the format unique, but there is so much to see up close. along with what looks like wild fennel is all kinds of differnt plants, grass: a whole world when seen up close.It reminds me when I was a child and was disovering the world. You have inspired me to try something new and to look at the world in a new way.
Best Regards,
Oh wow, Philip, what a compliment! And I'm still here, trying to make the layout work properly and re-establish the links which have gone etc. etc. and get rid of the gigantic spaces which insist on settling in so, whatever you saw just now was still pretty raw.
It's really encouraging. I'm sitting here all happy now.
Yours is one of the photos I'm hoping to include. I'll be in touch once I've got the links to the blogs in place.
Hi Lucy,
be my guest.
Best Wishes,
Lucy, please feel free to copy the photo of my great-grandfather's car.
Blogger can be frustrating at times with the spaces it automatically adds and the layout issues! It looks like you've got it worked out though.
I think you must mean the rounders...cricket sounds far too organised for us!
You may use the wonky one, but not the other if you don't mind (people may recognise themselves and be surprised at their photo appearing on a stranger's blog).
I'm still fighting with photo formatting, so well done with your presentation and thank-you for the thought.
Hi, Lucy, help yourself. I'm very flattered that you've included me.
Best wishes, Victoria
Lovely idea Lucy, and much easier than thinking up eighteen - or was it twenty four facts - which just makes my head hurt!
Hi Lucy, you are a very clever girl indeed. The Esther award is lovely and I have put it on my sidebar proudly with a link to this post, if that is okay. You are most welcome to use that photo with the link and credit. I am honored.
Rach - you wouldn't say so if you knew what trouble I'm having with getting everything in place!
But it's fun.
And I think it's going to look good.
I'm glad you approve my response to your tag.
Frances - I'm getting quite excited about this!
I've taken a look at your sidebar and feel ever so proud you've put the little nosegay there!
Thank-you Lucy.
Personally I think tonight's blog entry will be more memorable for photos, at least for our visitors to Lytes - but you need the whole series to work out why!
Thanks again for your link and award and very best blogging wishes.
Hi Lucy,
I am so honored. Thank you, and of course, you can reprint the photo. Thanks for asking. Can't wait to put the nosegay in my sidebar.~~Dee
Thanks Lucy,
Sure, you can copy the photo and here's the link to the original:
Interesting idea - today's blog.
Yes, please show the "Barrow Park."
I took this photo in an outrageous place...an artist's true oasis organic garden near Joshua Tree National Park. It is awe-inspiring big country. Wild flowers amongst crazy rocks. Very "Picnic at Hanging Rock " kind of place: spiritual and engmatic.
Now, your neighbor Esther drew a painting of this. It is most assuradly the kind of place where Martians would be at home.It would seem that that the mother ship is on speaking terms with the denizens of the desert here.
It is just that kind of place.
I have to say, I was inordinately proud when my friend and your neighbor created the Barrow Park Garden. She just seemed to "get it" even though she is washing socks with aquilegia seeds right now and bobbing up and down in the hedgerows evading the constabulary.
Very truly yours,
Hi Lucy, I'd be delighted for you to add my photo, your blog looks great, I'll have to have a bit more of a browse.
Hi Lucy, not been here before so heeeellloooo! I'd be happy for you to post a copy of the picture, perhaps clicking on the pic could link to the 'raised beds' post?
Lucy, thank you for honoring me with the Esther Montgomery Prize. My Great Grandfather would be pleased to know his tractor made from a car is famous!
I added the prize to my sidebar with a link to your blog. I've enjoyed Esther's artwork since discovering her blog. Blue flowers are my favorites!
Thanks Lucy!
My whole family was pleased with the award, so you made many people happy this morning!
I am going to place the nosgay on my sidebar with a link to Loose and leafy!
Hi Lucy
Lovely idea - and I am very chuffed that you remember the photo.
Thanks for showing my pics! :)))))))))))) <--- means happy!
Lucy, if you enjoy photographs that much... have you seen the one at this url, the second photo. The second photo of a dragonfly on daylily, drops of water, shadows, and reflections in the water. I think you would enjoy it. DRAGONFLY
Hi Lucy, you may by all means copy my pic though I can't think which it might be? I am most honored for you to do so! :) Thank you!
First, as weird as this is: Don't scare me like that again! How did you scare me? I saw the word Memorial next to Esther's name and I was in tears and my stomach was lurching-- I thought something had happened. I'm okay now though. I guess that's what I get for not keeping up during my cold months with everyone's blogs. Bad me. I am so glad Esther is fine though.
The pictures lovely of course:)
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