Until July 2017, documenting the seasons of coastal Dorset. I'm a complete amateur so don't trust I'm always right. If ever you see I'm wrong - whether with identifications or in anything else - do say! Meanwhile . . . I've now moved to Halifax in West Yorkshire. Click on the link below to collect the new URL. Don't forget to follow there!

Tuesday 7 April 2015


If you see this message, it will be because my laptop is not yet back from the menders. It won't be an exciting page because loading pictures while it's not working properly is a bit of a palaver. How I look forward to its return! when (hopefully) I'll not have to press the mouse pad in different places over and over in the hope that eventually one of the taps will make it work. . . . Oh! all that catching up - with just about everything!

But as long as the box comes up at the right time, you don't really need me. So here I am putting the box on a timer and waving my laptop into the blue for a while.

Tree Following Link Boxes are supplied by Mister Linky's Magical Widgets. The links are moved to a separate page once the box is closed.
Here are the links to


Alison Levey said...

Hi Lucy - hope your laptop is restored to you working soon. Alison

Green Lizard said...

Am on tenterhooks for the blossom on my tree. Bet it blossoms today!

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Erica - thanks. Have managed to change march to April. Took twenty minutes of tapping on my little phone. Touch screen makes me realise how I have unexpectedly calloused fingers.(a mixture of washing up and earth I imagine) can't work out how to write in capitals but at least it says April now;

Anonymous said...

Love your photos with the cruising gull (?). Thanks for hosting Tree Following--hope your computer recovers well.

Sharon Wagner said...

I hope to join in on the tree following. I will have to pick a tree this week.

Amy@SmallSunnyGarden said...

Sending get well wishes for the laptop...! Thanks so much for managing to host the theme anyway, Lucy :) I worried my tree would manage to bloom betwixt and between monthly posts, but no, it's still in full bloom - hurray!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy - hope your laptop is sorted soon. Wonderful when they are, frustrating when they are not ;)

Donna said...

That is frustrating when technology isn't working...

sharp green pencil said...

Things have burst into life so quickly in the last month, suddenly there are butterflies more bees, blossom, frog spawn and first leaves. It really cheers us all up to see life springing back into the dark garden.

Amanda Peters said...

Thanks Lucy, following two Larch trees at the same time, hope this is OK..
Amanda xx

Caroline Gill said...

A bit late, but have just added a link, Lucy.

Angie said...

I'm a bit late too - work commitment but here now!
Hope your lap top is up and running soon. Computers, marvelous things when they work well!

Anonymous said...

And we are off!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been slow getting off the starting block too. Thought I'd stick with the same tree as I want to follow through on its development. Hope your computer gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy, and I hope your laptop is sorted soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope your laptop is back soon!
I look forward to exploring some of the other followers' trees. But I think I will start from the bottom of the list this time, as I usually don't quite manage to get through all of them when I start at the top!
All the best to everyone and thanks again to Lucy for running this theme :)

theblooominggarden.wordpress.com said...

Hope you are up and running again. I am a bit late this month, but managed it in the end. Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Hope you will get over the computer problems soon; it can be so frustrating! I haven't visited my redbud (yet) but I am enjoying everyone else's trees :)

Anna said...

Thanks for persisting Lucy in face of adversity and I hope that the computer woes are soon a thing of the past.

Brian Skeys said...

There is shades of pink on the Acer I am following.
I have posted the answer to March guess the tree bark and added a new one for April.
It is very frustrating when the technology goes wrong, we all rely on it so much today. Thanks for persisting Lucy.

pat@siteandinsight.com said...

Barely sneaking in under the wire this month... but I did want to take some photos without snow! I hope your laptop is topping as it should. I'll never forget how awful it was when my hard drive crashed, with thousands of photos gone forever.

Anonymous said...

Hope the laptop sorted soon. Looking forward to reading about everyone's trees this month now that we've got a bit of warm weather and things are starting to grow!

Anonymous said...

I am late but I am in!
Hope, your laptop is working and you can catch up. Thanks for hosting regardless of your troubles!

Anonymous said...

Hi! This looks like so much fun - my little girl would like to participate with her favourite tree. How does it work? Should we link back to you every month?