Until July 2017, documenting the seasons of coastal Dorset. I'm a complete amateur so don't trust I'm always right. If ever you see I'm wrong - whether with identifications or in anything else - do say! Meanwhile . . . I've now moved to Halifax in West Yorkshire. Click on the link below to collect the new URL. Don't forget to follow there!

Sunday 7 September 2014


Sycamore keys. September 2nd 2014

I didn't dare remind anyone that it's time for the tree following link box until I'd written my own post. Phew! Just made it in time for the 7th. (See below.)

But here it is.

Looking forward to reading about your trees.

(Do you think those who use Twitter are becoming a bit telegrammatic?)

* * *
As usual, put the link to your post rather than your blog and your blog name as well as your own.

The box will stay open till 7pm on the 14th September. (UK time.)

For the September links


Alison Levey said...

Thanks for hosting another month of tree following.

Gardener Gary said...

Finally managed another tree following post! Enjoyed assembling it though. Thanks for propping up tree followers Lucy - great work!

VP said...

Thanks for setting this up for us. Interested in what you say but not sure what you mean by Twitter folk being more telegrammatic - something to do with the limit of 140 characters perhaps?

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope I've linked in right this time!

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Alison. It's little trouble and a great pleasure.

Hi Gary. The maintenance work needed on this blog is as a fraction of a grain of sand when compared with what you do for your tree. (Trees plural!)

Morning VP. About telegrammatic - I mean because we are used to fitting messages into small spaces we start loosing things like personal pronouns in ordinary writing. (Or maybe it's only me that's doing this.) I said this after writing 'Looking forward' instead of 'I'm looking forward'. I often find, when writing comments on blogs that I write something so spare it seems odd and I have to go back and add words in.

Hi Sue. Yes! The link worked! (Plain sailing from now on!)

Green Lizard said...

Wow! September already! Been following our woody heroes for enemy months already. How time flies. This month looked for babies for you. It was interesting.

VP said...

Ah, now I understand! Guilty as charged ;)

VP said...

PS I think I started leaving out personal pronouns before the days of twitter. Used to wonder why my emails looked so strange...

Donna said...

Lucy my link up is a short blurb within my long journal post. Next month I will have a whole tree post as the trees are beginning to change now.

Amanda Peters said...

With all that rain we had yesterday, I didn't think I would be able to get out again to day...But the sun is shining and my apple post is done.
Amanda xx

Hoehoegrow said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy - can't believe that another month has just slipped by !
I will be interested to read all the posts to see if autumn is making an early entrance everywhere, or just in my neck of the woods.

Hoehoegrow said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy - can't believe that another month has just slipped by !
I will be interested to read all the posts to see if autumn is making an early entrance everywhere, or just in my neck of the woods.

Hoehoegrow said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy - can't believe that another month has just slipped by !
I will be interested to read all the posts to see if autumn is making an early entrance everywhere, or just in my neck of the woods.

Hoehoegrow said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy - can't believe that another month has just slipped by !
I will be interested to read all the posts to see if autumn is making an early entrance everywhere, or just in my neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

I've managed to get my post up about my tree following this month. The seasons are changing and there are a few noticeable little changes to the leaves this month.

Jenny at Duver Diary said...

Hi Lucy, many thanks for hosting again.
I too can't believe another month has sped by! Jenny

Anonymous said...

Can't remember if I said this last month as well, but this year is flying past way too quickly!

Hollis said...

whew ... saved by friends!

Anonymous said...

yes I am sure we are becoming more telegrammatic but am thankful to follow you on Twitter and receive prompts for tree following

appreciate you hosting this Lucy and the opportunity to observe a tree in all the seasons and closer detail

sharp green pencil said...

This year is just rushing by and my chestnut trees are full of conkers. Wonderful things. Many thanks Lucy!

Chloris said...

Thanks again for hosting again Lucy, I am a bit late this time but I have managed to get my post done just in time.

Susan said...

I'm really enjoying reading the posts from the tree followers and look forward to it each month.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for encouraging us in this exploit.
Disappointed my hornbeam isn't full of autumn gold yet, but looking forward to seeing what everyone else has found in September!
All the best :)

Anonymous said...

I've just done my post showing the willow from under it's canopy. Flighty xx

Anonymous said...

Phew, better late than never… thanks for hosting!!

Anonymous said...

Phew, better late than never… thanks for hosting!!

pat@siteandinsight.com said...

Autumn is coming, all too quickly. I hope the change in temperature will bring an interesting change to my tree. Otherwise, it's game over!

Anna said...

Slightly later than planned Lucy but my post is up now. My willow is now showing the first signs that autumn is its way. Thanks as always for hosting.

Solarbeez said...

The tulip tree is finally showing some coloration. The seed pods are still tight though. They will be another month at least before they open.

Janet/Plantaliscious said...

Even-bigger-whew-than-Kate! Just in under the wire...