Until July 2017, documenting the seasons of coastal Dorset. I'm a complete amateur so don't trust I'm always right. If ever you see I'm wrong - whether with identifications or in anything else - do say! Meanwhile . . . I've now moved to Halifax in West Yorkshire. Click on the link below to collect the new URL. Don't forget to follow there!

Thursday 7 August 2014


If you want to speed up the year - follow a tree. Isn't that how it feels?

Looking up into tall tree at Furzey Gardens, Hampshire. Moss and lichen on trunk.
If July was a difficult month -August will be gearing up for most of us. Leaves will have holes in. Insects will have destroyed their symmetry and pristine green-ness. Seeds will be reddening or browning depending on their parent tree. Some trunks will be disappearing in the undergrowth. In other places dry weather may have been killing off everything in sight. We'll see.

A Note About Other Projects to Join in With.

There are now two extra opportunities to leave links to your posts. The dates are spread through the year. It isn't a monthly commitment.

And there's a one for Stuck Foot posts.

It's not possible to leave comments on either page so if you'd like to take part let me know by email
or leave a message on a Loose and Leafy post.

And now for your links!
The box will be open from 7am UK time on 7th of August
until 7pm UK time on the 14th

Make sure to leave the URL for your Tree Following post rather than for the blog as a whole and I suggest you write the name of your blog in the box as well as your personal name. (It makes things clearer.)

As ever, comments are very welcome and always enjoyable but by no means obligatory whatever the link box says!

Feel free to use the Tree Following logo.

I'm Following a Tree
Are You?
(It's never too late
to join in!)

You can copy it from here or use the URL http://tinyurl.com/qaesqpb .)

For Twitter use #treefollowing .

For links to all the August Tree Following Posts
click here.


Alison Levey said...

Thanks for hosting this meme, the year is flying past, August already! I have posted my link to my blog.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Alison. Given the speed of the year and the volatility of the weather, maybe we'll soon have snow!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see the resin on your trees. Shame about the replacements planned - round here, when trees are replaced, the council seems to want to go for short ones mostly.

Caroline Gill said...

I have just posted my August TF post, Lucy. I don't see it up there yet, but this seems to be the way with my connection. I expect it will soon appear ... Now I'm off to visit these other trees ...

Caroline Gill said...

... true to form ... it's just appeared. Thank you, Lucy.

Anonymous said...

my tree post in(!) in the slow dying days of this summer.
Am interested in your WPIS post too - I gather that will be towards the end of Sept. Will email you

many thanks for hosting

Janet/Plantaliscious said...

I managed to skip the difficult months, albeit not intentionally! But I am back following my hawthorn again this month. Feels good to reacquaint myself!

LINDA'S said...

Sorry for no photos this month have a blessing of a day all of you

Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm not sure how we got round to August already- all downhill from here :-(

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Helen. The problem with many trees is that they get broken down before they have a chance to grow. Maybe these will be too boring to bother with. (Perhaps it's just as well I don't know what they are. They might turn out to be everyone's favourite!)

Hello Caroline. The delay in your link appearing in the box seems such a regular problem it's almost a tradition. I reckon we can more or less trust it will pop up of its own accord. (Though it's worth checking each time. It would be a shame if it didn't appear.)

Hello Laura. I've added you to the list of people who make occasional posts about wild plants which grow in the streets (http://tinyurl.com/pe3yluc) and yes - there will be a link box for urban plant posts on 21st September.

Hello Janet. I'm glad you've posted about your hawthorn again. Hawthorn is one of my favourite trees - and ivy one of my favourite plants for its flowers and hoverflies. (Incidentally, although it's not the tree you are following - that's a fantastic photo of a windswept hawthorn you've included.)

Anna said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy and sorry that I missed July.
My willow is one of those trucks disappearing into the undergrowth. I would have done too but am not able to get that close up.

Susan said...

Hi Lucy, I've vowed to keep up my posts on Tree Following even if everything else falls to the wayside while I concentrate on the garden and growing my own food. It makes a nice break.

Chloris said...

Goodness, that time again. it comes round so quickly. Thank you for hosting the meme Lucy, it is a lot of fun.

ShowMeUrHooves said...

Thanks for hosting Lucy. I've learnt a lot and still four months to go!

Lyn said...

I am really enjoying following my tree and taking notice of it on a regular basis, thank you for hosting this. xxx

pat@siteandinsight.com said...

Help! I'm hoping someone out there can identify the problem with my tree. Since I wrote the entry a few days ago, we've had several good rains so a lack of water isn't the problem. No signs of Eastern filbert blight. Or at least not yet. Any other ideas, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder. I hope to do a tree following post on my willow early next week. Flighty xx

Hollis said...

I started out writing about my tree ... but then got distracted ;-)

Amanda Peters said...

Hi Lucy
My Apples are filling out on my tree, have discovered Brown Rot, and there is just one new flower near the tree, no insects this time round. August is a quiet month, but I think it is just as important to record this as the busy moths, it's all part of the tree's life....
Amanda xx

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, my hornbeam hadn't changed enough for my liking this month, so I ended up looking in the hedge nearby.
Thanks again for the project - although the year is passing by quickly, its days are very full of interest!
Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

The year really is flying by! I'm busy googling crab apple recipes at the moment, determined to try and make something with all the windfalls this year.

Anonymous said...

Better late than never… phew, just made it!

Beth at PlantPostings said...

What you said is true about time passing too quickly. I'm trying to savor it, but only partially successful. Thanks, again, for hosting!

Stephanie 139a said...

Hi Lucy - I've shared the next installs net of the mystery tree with humongous leaves - it's still a mystery so if anyone reading this knows what it might be I'd be grateful for any clues.

Anonymous said...

I've not done a specific tree following post this month but I do mention, and show a picture of, the willow in my post today so I have added a link here. Flighty xx

Joanna said...

Just in time - again! Wondering if this will be the last month that the leaves on my tree are green.