It doesn't smell like autumn.
It doesn't look much like it yet either.
But the weather behaved like autumn on Saturday when I took Ceres to Frome.
Heavy mists hung in the fields and, in some places, we called
it fog.
Even on the train breath plumed from our mouths - till it warmed.
There was a spider metropolis in the graveyard. Ceres wanted to wind webs round her fingers. I handed her the phone and she photo-ed instead.
We didn't get much further. We lingered like mist in the coffee shops. We ate cakes. We ate lunch. We lingered still longer . Then we came home.

.By evening, the mist had cleared and the sky had turned blue. (If you looked in the right direction.)

For Tomorrow's Post . .
For Yesterday's Post . .

What a beautiful place, but it does seem eerie too. I like cemetaries for their stately trees and quiet beauty.
There were two massive trees, one of them very old with a trunk that was at least eight foot in diameter. (Too shady to photograph - this is where one hits the limitations of taking photos with a mobile phone!)
And eerie - well it was so very, very eerie, it was fun.
There were some graves by the wall of the church with an iron railing beside them, then a path, and, on the other side of the path, more graves - and these too were skirted by an iron railing.
So people like us, who were simply walking through the town, found ourselves being channelled between spider-festooned railings and, beyond them, on either side, the graves - mostly ancient. (But not all.)
We weren't the only ones captivated by them either. Other people who happened along hurried between one web and another, excited and interested to look at them . . . including one woman with a toddler.
It all became quite festive . . . and everyone was asking the same question . . . are these webs always here and we didn't notice till today . . . and the mist?
I like The Graveyard at Frome and All Hallows Eve is just around the corner (is that like square pegs in round holes?) Anyway, your eye gives us different ways of looking at what we're looking at.
What an awesome cemetary to visit Lucy. I love to visit old cemeteries, and none here are as ancient as the ones you can visit.
Old cemeteries are fascinating, beautiful, sometimes eerie places, and there's something especially eerie about them in autumn.
eerie is such a fun word. I looked it up....c.1300, north England and Scot. variant of O.E. earg "cowardly, fearful," from P.Gmc. *argaz (cf. O.N. argr "unmanly, voluptuous," Swed. arg "malicious," Ger. arg "bad, wicked"). Sense of "causing fear because of strangeness" is first attested 1792.
Anyway. Eerie.
Ron and Garden Girl
Your making me think I shall set off on a Grave Yard Photo expedition one fine autumn day.
If I do - I'll put some results here.
Rosa - your comment gives me a sense that you are feeling rather heady.
(Where, by the way, do the 'unmanly and voluptuous' fit in?)
The worst thing about 'eerie' is that I always have to look up how to spell it. And even then - I can't quite trust that it's right. It looks so odd.
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