
Friday, 7 November 2014


Sycamore. (?)

I've put an exclamation mark beside the post title because I think we are all a bit taken aback by how quickly we leap from one 7th of the month to the next. Tree Following don't 'arf make the year go round!

Once you've placed your link you might like to read what's after it: an idea for December and a change in dates for Stuck Foot and Street Plant post dates.

The Idea
Next month will be December. (Of course!) And in December it's Christmas. (Of course!) And at Christmas many of us like to do something a little different, something celebratory.

When I read your Tree Following blog posts each month I'm struck by the 'extras' people find. There are folk tales and tales from history attached. Some posts have songs and other music. Some bloggers have found brilliant words that are new to me and seem to be new to many of you too.

So in time for Christmas I'd like to begin a new page to reflect this. We'll have a glossary of surprising words. A list of songs with links. Your trees in art . . . poetry . . . And the only way this can be done is with your help. As wonderful as all your posts are I'm not volunteering to read them all again in search of gems. But you'll know where everything is. Would you email me the links?

I think this is an ash - but it may not be. What do you think?
Mostly I expect they will be to your blogs. But they needn't be.

If you've found a song about your tree on YouTube (or would like to hunt one out) - send the link.

If you know a painting of your tree in an art gallery and can find it on the internet - send the link.

Folk tales, tales from history, they don't have to be from your blog. If they are about your tree and you find some interesting reads - send the links.

* * *

Note about Stuck Foot and Street Plant Posts.

I don't know how I managed it but I arranged the dates in what was meant to be a logical, easily remembered order but which turns out to be a bizarre and un-memorable chaos. What's more, I went and wrote Loose and Leafy posts soon after placing the boxes on the blog so they disappeared too quickly for people to take advantage of the links by reading the posts and be inspired by them. Apologies to those who put links in the boxes. Please take a look at the Stuck Foot and Street Plant pages for the updated list of dates. Stuck Foots are on the 21st of odd months and Street Plants on the 21st of even months.
Photos taken on 1st November 2014.

(Link Boxes provided by Mr Linky's Magical Gadgets.)


  1. Looks like an ash from here Lucy. I have a close-up of a leaf over at mine today, which may help with your identification.

  2. Hi, VP. I've always thought this is an ash - but someone recently suggested it didn't look like the ash in their garden - so I began to wonder . . . ! (If it isn't I'll stop going to look at the trunks to check for Ash Dieback. Haven't heard so much about that recently. Have they got it under control or is it merely that the media are fed up with mentioning it?)

  3. Thanks for hosting the meme, Lucy. Good idea about Christmas special _ I shall try to remember. Is that instead of or as well as?

  4. Hello Linda. Will your little apple trees be moving with you?

  5. Hello Rambling in the Garden. Glad you like the December idea. It will be an 'as well as' but will also have its own page afterwards so, once started, we can build an archive of songs and pictures and interesting tree-words. But the monthly Tree Following will continue as usual. Can't miss the updates!

  6. Thanks for hosting again, Lucy! The posts about trees from around the world are always fascinating. I like your idea for the December posts! I'll start thinking about it. Thanks, again!

  7. Hi Lucy, many thanks for hosting again - and your Christmas suggestion is intriguing. Like a little present to the tree following group!

  8. I agree, tree following seems to make the year fly by! Cathy

  9. This year has passed very quickly, I've really enjoyed tree following. I really like your December idea, love a challenge :)

  10. I love sycamore trees. They look fantastic with their mottled bark now that the leaves have gone. I do know that sycamore trees have ahem... balls not keys.

  11. Nice post.

    Are you going to run this link up next year - I'm looking for new projects!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. Hello Jenny at Duver and Plant Postings. Glad you like the December idea. Looking forward to your suggestions. It could be a page rich with words and links to images. Some people have videoed their trees. Tree videos should be included too. I'll have to add that to the list.

    Hello Allotment in My Garden. The nice thing about years is that as sure as one goes another comes along. Much more reliable than buses!

    Hello Papaver - looking forward to your ideas for the December (and thereafter!) page.

  13. Hello Becky. The scenery in your blog and the style of gardening keeps making me think you are in the UK - but . . . looking closer at things like where you source your seeds etc. . . . I'm now thinking USA!

    There seems to be a difference in naming between the USA and UK in relation to sycamores, maples and plane trees. In the UK, Sycamores and Maples have helicopter seeds (keys) and Plane Trees have balls of seed.

  14. Hello Stewart. Yes, there will be Tree Following next year. Indeed, as it's a rolling project you can join at any time and start your 'Tree Year' from that moment.

    The link box stays open from the 7th to the 14th of each month - so there's plenty of time to choose a tree and write a post and join in straight away.

    There's more information and a list of participants on the Tree Following Page.

  15. That sounds fun. I can see I'm going to spend far too much time looking up songs featuring lilacs...

  16. Hi Lucy,
    I'm fairly sure your ash is Raywood's Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood') which I've also seen referred to as Claret Ash, cos its foliage turns maroon-purple in autumn. Our native Ash (F. excelsior) turns yellow..

  17. I like the idea of an "the art of trees" page, poems, videos, pictures, stories. I wonder if there are any interesting stories about hawthorns...

  18. For once I'm not so blatantly late with my post. I chose to say something about my tree's history this time around.

  19. I am linked in finally with today's post...hope you enjoy it

  20. It can't be Mr Linky time again already ? I measure out my life in Tree following now !
    Thanks for hosting again Lucy - it has been so interesting and enjoyable !

  21. I'm a bit late on starting, because of work, but I'm enjoying the latest news from tree-followers, thanks everyone. And I realized I forgot to mention: my tree was yellow, I went on vacation for 10 days, I returned and it and all the other cottonwoods along the river were totally leafless. Quick change!

  22. Can't believe the year is passing by so quickly!
    Your Christmas project sounds interesting. Remind me again how we are supposed to communicate our special links with you? Are you doing a link box for that or do we email you?
    All the best to you and all the followers :)

  23. Phew, just caught it (again). I'm always surprised by how quickly it rolls round - and I'll have a think on't for the Christmas Special (though I'll be posting as usual, I hope)…

    Thanks for hosting, Lucy!

  24. I've just done my tree following post. It's a brief one as there's little change from last month. Flighty xx

  25. Looking forward to December already!

  26. whizz bang and nearly missed November link-up. The Christmas theme sparked my interest if not my imagaination...yet. p.s. I would have assumed but could it be an upright willow?

  27. Phew - just in time Lucy. Will put my thinking cap on regarding the festive frolics :)

  28. Everyone - if you subscribed to comments forwarded to you by email, apologies if you received a bizarre spam message about boycotting American women. Nearly all spam gets filtered out before it arrives on the blog but this got through.

    Great set of posts folks. Glad you are enjoying following your trees.


Loose and Leafy has left Dorset and is now in Halifax, West Yorkshire. Do follow me there.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.