
Friday, 21 November 2014


I'll put the text in here later. Let's get the box up!

Have been unwell due to re-action to anti-biotics. Hence un-communicativity. (Is that a word or am I still blizzy?) Hope gradually to return to usual activity over the next few days.

Meanwhile, do join in! If you'd like to know more about Stuck-Foot-Posting there's a page about it.

If you'd like you and your blog to be on the list of stuck footers - say so in the comments or by leaving a link in the box. (Box closes 7pm on 25th November UK time.)

November Stuck Footers (2014)
(Link Tool supplied by Mister Linky's Magical Widgets!

(My own stuck foot post didn't get written till December!)


  1. Oh I a sorry to hear that Lucy. Folks are liking your idea as I am getting lots of very positive comments on my post and folks wanting to try this. You can be assured I will be joining in again as this was a most satisfying method of observing my garden...and it was fun!

  2. Sorry to hear you've been poorly. Speedy recovery x

  3. Sorry to hear that you've been unwell, Lucy. I hope that you start to feel much better very soon.

  4. Hope you are feeling better soon, Lucy. I was over at Donna's blog last night admiring her 'stuck foot'! What a great idea (it seems you have a lot of them!) All best for recovery over the weekend.

  5. Feel better soon...
    I have been away from the computer for a few weeks and not managed to go out and take photos, till today. The weather has just been dreadful, will not have time to join in this post this time...
    Amanda xx

  6. Sorry to know that you have mort been feeling well, now hope that is all in the past. Jack

  7. What a shame that you had an adverse reaction, I hope you will regain equilibrum very soon.

  8. Aww, that is the pits, Lucy. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Hope you get over what ails you very soon! The big holiday season is starting here in the U.S. Tomorrow (Thursday) is Thanksgiving, then the next day is Black Friday, when many lose their minds, wait in long lines and sometimes get lost in the madness of trampling crowds to buy up bargains of the day!

  9. Sorry to hear you've been unwell Lucy - hope you are on the road to recovery now. Thanks for hosting this meme - it is appreciated.


Loose and Leafy has left Dorset and is now in Halifax, West Yorkshire. Do follow me there.

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