
Monday, 7 July 2014


Shadow of open arms on flare of redwood tree
I nearly missed it! Each month seems to come round so much faster than the one before. Something has gone wrong with the calendar!

But, here we are.
Time for another round up of news about the trees we are following.

The link box for July will stay open until 7pm on the 14th (UK time)
Which is lucky because I took till the 10th to do mine.
I've had to put it behind this post so you can find the link box.
(Here it is.)

You can enter your name or the name of your blog - but the URL needs to be for the post about your tree, not for the blog as a whole.

For links to the June Tree Following Posts - Click Here
(To find out more about Tree Following - click here. It's never too late to join in!)

List of links to July Tree Following posts


  1. The month does spin around quickly! I am enjoying this meme very much, I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone's trees.

  2. Time flies when you are having fun. I'll enjoy seeing all the progress this month.

  3. Carob has emerged from a jar of powder I use when I make muesli, to become a large and lovely tree at the bottom of our future garden in False Bay.

  4. Finally managed to sort get it to up load

  5. The female cottonwoods along the river have been sending their offspring out into the world ... millions of 'em

  6. I walk past my tree at least a couple of times every day but it's good to stop for a proper look once a month

  7. My link has been posted. Will check back soon, Lucy, to see if it has reached you!

  8. Yes, I see it's there now. Thank you, Lucy.

  9. July already. Can't believe it!

  10. I can't believe that two months have passed since my last tree following post - time is just racing past me this year. This time I'm having a look at my rowan tree. Thanks for hosting.

  11. My corkscrew hazel is not doing anything that inspires me -- so I decided to take a different approach to following a tree.

  12. I nearly missed it. I didn't realise that it is actually the 8th July today. Glad you keep the link open for latecomers.
    A great meme. It keeps you on your toes trying to keep the same tree interesting to readers throughout the year.

  13. Love this meme! Thanks, again for hosting. It's fascinating to follow these trees for several months!

  14. Where has a whole month gone !
    Thanks again, Lucy, for hosting 'Tree following'.
    sadly, mine is a tale of woe yet again, this month, as my poor fig tree loses Round 1 to the roofer !
    I hope it rallies after its second heavy pruning of the year!

  15. Hi Lucy, I have just put my link in again because someone told me that I got the first one wrong and it didn't work.

  16. Phew, another completed! Really enjoying this Tree Following Lucy, thanks for hosting it :)

  17. I was in the U.K. last month having a grand old time looking at the beautiful gardens-paying close attention to the trees. Back home my tree is not doing so well-maybe another tree follower will be able to come up with some advice.

  18. I did my tree following post this morning, and added it to the link list. Flighty xx

  19. thank you Lucy - these monthly round ups are fun, fascinating and informative - other people's as well as having to do my own research and observations. Glad to see so many still following - have to visit a few trees now

  20. I have the feeling that autumn is approaching for many of us… sorry, I must go and wash my mouth out with soap!

  21. Because I'm following a tree and because I want to come up with something worthwhile to post, I came across some interesting facts about my tree. The bark can be chewed for an aphrodisiac...anyone want to try it? :)

  22. Sorry it's a bit late, but have managed to do Julys post for my Apple Tree.
    Amanda xx

  23. Left it a bit late this month, glad I got here on time :)

  24. Just got there in time! Absolutely loving the walks you are making me go on every month.
    Best wishes to all the others taking part, too :)

  25. Hello Everyone. The July Tree Following posts were great. So much variety. So much interesting reading. So much contrast between writing styles, trees and locations. So glad you are enjoying following your trees! The August link box is now open. Looking forward to learning what has been happening over the last month.

    Best wishes


  26. Hello Everyone. The July Tree Following posts were great. So much variety. So much interesting reading. So much contrast between writing styles, trees and locations. So glad you are enjoying following your trees! The August link box is now open. Looking forward to learning what has been happening over the last month.

    Best wishes


  27. Happy to see that the Tree Year continues! Would be fun to participate next year.


Loose and Leafy has left Dorset and is now in Halifax, West Yorkshire. Do follow me there.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.