
Saturday, 7 June 2014

TREE FOLLOWING LINK BOX FOR JUNE 7th 2014 . . . (#treefollowing)

Ssshh . . . I think summer's here; at least it seems so in Dorset.

Elderberry Trees are coming into flower.

Trees with keys (Sycamores and Maples) already have their seeds.

And hawthorn its berries.

Just a bit more ripening . . . and, lo and behold, it'll be in autumn.

It's all happening.
Present tense.

* * *

Sometimes, with some trees, it can seem that once their flowers have flowered and leaves fully unfurled, once the fruits are set and birds have left their nests . . . that all's organised, that nothing much more will happen until our trees change colour.

Which means . . . now is the really interesting time. The real time of observing. The new stuff. All the things we've not taken time to notice before.

On the whole, we notice spring. We watch out for blossom. We are pleased to see the landscape green. Then . . . ? We wander along in the sunshine and drink cold drinks and go on holiday and complain about the heat when it's hot and that it's raining when it's not . . . and . . . and . . . forget the trees? Go on, admit it. A tree in full leaf is a wind-waved blob.

Or is it? Now is the time to find out. We know about spring. We know about autumn. What happens in between? We'll start to find out next month.

Meanwhile . . . here's the box for June! (Hopefully! It should pop up of its own accord at 7am UK time.)

I'm Following  a Tree
To find out more
Click Here

Oh - before the box . . . there are new entries on the Help With ID Page. There's advice about how to judge the age of an older tree (thanks to Pat at Squirrel Basket who found the link) a downloadable guide to identifying reptiles and amphibians, a bumblebee ID link and more recording projects to get involved with.


Please remember to enter the URL for the post about the tree you are following rather than for the blog itself.

Also - because some Tree Followers are posting more than once a month, it might be an idea if you enter the link to your most recent post here and re-direct readers to your earlier posts from that. Having people stay on your blog a little longer and going from page to page within it may give less of a fragmented view than if they keep coming back here for the next installment.

Links to your Tree Following posts from March to May can be found on the Loose and Leafy Tree Following Page. Click HERE for links to the June 2014 tree following posts.


  1. The blossom might have gone but the Apples are taking shape, found two young Shield bugs on the tree,and the grass and plants below are growing into the lower branches.

  2. I`ll be a bit late posting my tree as I have just done a D Day post, but I`ll enjoy seeing everyone`s trees and will catch up ASAP!

    Lucy - how lovely to see your trees against blue sky!
    It`s tipping with rain again here, after a really summery day yesterday.

  3. Another month passed, time is flying by, next month the medlar fruit will be swelling!

  4. Winter's here, and I'm behind on my tree following. But enjoying following your following, Lucy ,and other people's following ... Awaiting the next exciting episode. Evergereen trees don't change as much throughout the year as deciduous. Well, not so dramatically anyway.

  5. Hello Amanda. Shield bugs are always so characterful - even though every one looks the same as another.

    Hello Dartford Warbler. The link box stays open for a week - till 7pm on the 14th - so there's plenty of time. As for the blue sky - it's very hit and miss; and when I took these photos it was hard to find a tree sheltered enough to photograph a branch crisply in the wind which was rising before a thunderstorm in the night.

    Hello On the Edge (!). If only you were to have enough medlars to send everyone a fruit when they ripen! I'd guess hardly any of us have ever tasted one.

    Hi Sue. Over and over I regret having chosen an evergreen tree to follow - then, over and over I'm pleased I did for the lack of change makes me pay proper attention to what is always there.

  6. Enjoying the tree following meme, Lucy. It is great to observe the tree over the months and also to learn as much as possible about the chosen tree. It's a learning curve.

  7. Thanks for hosting the tree meme again Lucy, I am enjoying following my two magnolias closely.
    Take care, Helene.

  8. Just a quick message, Lucy, to say that I added my url to the Mr Linky box. Hope it has reached you. A message came up saying 'error: null'!

  9. We are having glorious weather and the gardens and trees are blooming. blossoming and growing rapidly. My honeysuckle shrub is looking fabulous and since the last update has made amazing progress.

  10. It does feel summery already, the trees feel like they are settling into their stride now.

    Thanks for hosting this meme.

  11. How did we get round to June already?
    Love looking at all the tree posts each month

  12. LOTS of changes here in Wyoming! Thx, Lucy

  13. My corkscrew hazel finally has some leaves but I'm moaning over the trees I didn't choose to follow. Oh, well, maybe next year.

  14. Sshh ! Don't speak its name , for it will come too soon ! You mentioned the season after this one !! :-)

    Summer is fab, as are your photos Lucy! My fig tree is now in the rudest of rude health, after all my worrying last month !!

  15. I'm so excited about finding the name of my tree AND finding bees on the blossoms. Last year I looked a few times with no luck. This year I was more careful. I was able to not only see the bees on the blossoms, but one was 'dancing' to the music in the video. :-)

  16. I couldn't face going out to photograph the tree on the 7th so did it today instead! x

  17. Just to let you know I now have added my post and photos of my Apple tree, first try was lost in the world they call the Internet !.,
    Amanda x

  18. I missed May, but now have photos of my cherry plum fruit!

  19. Just a short mention in my bigger post this month. Next month I will highlight so much more.

    I am looking forward to really observing my tree in summer when it seems nothing special is happening...I know it is.

  20. I've already noticed those sycamore keys Lucy. I'm giving them dirty looks as I pull this years seedlings out of the ground. My tree and I have had a slight disagreement this month but hopefully we will be best of friends again by July. Thanks for hosting.

  21. I fear my lilac isn't going to produce much variation for some time to come. Perhaps I should start measuring its progress literally. That'll keep everyone enthralled!

  22. My tree is bending over the garden quite a bit now, but that's a story for next month! Lovely to see so many people joining in here, Lucy.

  23. Summer isn't with me, here in Wales. It was on Saturday, when I couldn't get to my tree, but that was it. It's gone now.

    Blue skies, huh. Bet you did that in Photoshop. Grumble.

    Seriously, thanks for hosting - great meme!

  24. Summer isn't with me, here in Wales. It was on Saturday, when I couldn't get to my tree, but that was it. It's gone now.

    Blue skies, huh. Bet you did that in Photoshop. Grumble.

    Seriously, thanks for hosting - great meme!

  25. Summer isn't with me, here in Wales. It was on Saturday, when I couldn't get to my tree, but that was it. It's gone now.

    Blue skies, huh. Bet you did that in Photoshop. Grumble.

    Seriously, thanks for hosting - great meme!

  26. I missed last month (exam revision) and Albert, our Oak, wasn't doing much either. Got this month in on time and he's in leaf too now! :-)

  27. There's been no real noticeable changes to my willow this month so I won't be doing a tree following post.
    I will certainly enjoy looking at other's posts about the trees that they're following. Flighty xx

  28. I am surprised how much more I notice from watching a tree from my garden. Some more unexpected findings this month!
    Thank you for hosting.
    Sarah x

  29. I'm missing the blossom my tree had last month! Soon be time to start picking up fallen crab apples...

  30. I'm missing the blossom my tree had last month! Soon be time to start picking up fallen crab apples...

  31. You're all doing a great job - and thanks for the great idea, Lucy!
    My hornbeam now has green fruit forming - and I met a stranger...
    All the best :)

  32. You're all doing a great job - and thanks for the great idea, Lucy!
    My hornbeam now has green fruit forming - and I met a stranger...
    All the best :)

  33. Yes, indeed, we do tend to take trees for granted during their most important shade-providing time! Good point! I will be on the lookout for some of these observations you suggest. Thanks for hosting!

  34. It's a sunny June update from me. My sweet chestnut is looking so happy and healthy in the landscape... it's a beautiful month. I'm awaiting the less pleasant aspect of the tree though: the flowers have a scent reminiscent of sweaty gym bags that should have been opened and the contents laundered about 5 days ago!

    Lovely to see so many tree followers continuing with the project, Lucy. :-)

  35. That's a really interesting point you make about how we notice trees more in spring and autumn than we do in summer. Have made a mental note to be more observant at this season. Thank you!

  36. I think we had summer in my bit of Wales yesterday. It was a simply perfect day. I am so much enjoying doing this so have posted my link today, even getting it done to time! Could be a first.

  37. Gorgeous photos Lucy! A real English summer in Dorset! Great to have the Linky end on a Saturday this month, I've been able to get it done without rushing too much!

  38. Have done my Tree Following post at last!


Loose and Leafy has left Dorset and is now in Halifax, West Yorkshire. Do follow me there.

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