
Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Just as human seeds contain within them the imprint and hope of a being yet to form, the seeds of seasons are mirrored and grown in every month of the year. Spring holds the beginning of autumn and autumn is torn between memories of summer past and spring to come. It's a mixture of natural cycle and muddle.

I'd say a blackberry flower is muddled when it turns up just as the cold is kicking in.

That chicory flowers are like enthusiastic teenagers, determined to enjoy the party right to the very last minute.

That buddleia bushes and trees show a wonderful confidence in producing new starts of leaves just as their flowers are turning from lilac and purple to dingy dark brown.

That the seeds of wild clematis - Old Man's Beard - flamboyantly flaunt beauty in the face of their own aging and knowingly turn their faces from the inevitable. Their glorious champagne fizz and froth will soon sink into grey, Miss Havishamesk, dusty decrepitude. Fresh snow is lovely when it falls but when it has been trampled and fouled it's . . . well it's not as nice as when it was new. Ditto Old Man's Beard.


  1. Lovely images Lucy. Blackberry almost always has the full spectrum of bud to berry.

  2. Interesting and nice! The chicory flower is beautiful.

  3. I know what you mean about the old man's beard. I love to see it, though, as it's one of the few things I can identify with confidence!
    We also have a buddleia that has been great for many years but it is now becoming VERY woody, despite the enthusiasm of its young shoots. I'll be sad to lose it...
    Keep up the good work :)

  4. Amazing to see the blackberry flower.


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